Thursday, November 26, 2009


I am still running. It is not easy to find the time to run and when I do find the time to run I get other ideas to use up my time and sometimes I am just too tired to run. It is hard for me but I am not giving up. Every time I talk to people about training for marathon, I get the idea that I have to be lot more disciplined and careful about what I eat and when I eat.

Today is the Thanksgiving day, a day to celebrate God's grace and mercy and a day to eat a great home cooked meal with the family. I helped my wife prepare the Thanksgiving meal for our family dinner. I got an eighteen pound turkey so that we have some left over turkey meat for lunches. It took four days to thaw out the turkey and took 6 hours to bake it, but it took only fifteen minutes to eat it. I felt like I was cooking all day even though I was just a helper. I am used to sitting down at the grandma Rice's Thanksgiving dinner table with countless varieties of dishes; never giving much thought to all the time it took in preparing the dinner. You got to enjoy preparing the dinner to really enjoy the day because it is a lot of work and it takes practically all day to prepare. For me celebrating the Thanksgiving Day was not just eating the dinner but the process of making the dinner and to mentally taking a day off from other work related responsibilities and just enjoying helping each other in the kitchen. I also realized that the most fun part of the day was tasting the roasted part of the turkey every time I checked the temperature of the meat. Everything turned out great and we had a great Thanksgiving meal. Now I need to do some running.